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About Me...

Why do you write ? Someone asked me.

I write, each piece a journey with many roads.

Into my soul

I write because, without it, I  would choke on my own words

and drown.

I write because, paradoxically, I find words insufficient.

But, woven with pauses and trailed dots … and an absent  word – they turn into something else.

A way of remembering -A way of experiencing  more truthfully.

A way of being in the world, without hiding, the joys, the sorrows, the pains,

the confusion and the overwhelming gratitude.

I write in an attempt to understand the many paradoxes I hold and represent..

so that I don’t have to define myself as a box..a type..a category…a role.

I also write out of curiosity to see, what wants to be seen and known

Who am I and, what am I thinking and feeling really -In this moment.

Writing for me is a way of turning emotions into beauty, and hoping this beauty

will help create – a more beautiful world that my soul knows is possible.

But mostly I write to connect – I write to become connect.

It gives me a way to be vulnerable, and make the container of my joys and struggles

Available to others to pour and reflect on their own

And in this ephemeral place – Hopefully ..we meet

You and Me

~ Rhea

Rhea is an Artist and the CEO of Kabila consulting. An organization and a movement committed to bridging the ecological, social and spiritual divides, in order to contribute to building an interconnected world by design- As a naturalist and a polymath, she thrives in bringing different perspectives, especially from nature to see more and allow emergence to happen.

She is a  believer of “Practice- as an encounter” to see more.

A doula, bridge, mother, wife, coach, sister, friend..she has her feet in Mumbai

(as of now)