A friend sent me an article about an amazing idea in Naples, where the railing on a gazebo has braille description of the view for the blind. So brilliant and inclusive I thought. And he wrote, ‘Why does the world shy away from replicating great ideas everywhere?’ – This conversation and the pain in that tone, stayed with me – why indeed !!!
I think the culprit is the notion of “Original” . The unfortunate thing about originality, is that nothing is truly original. Including this statement.
The grave of many artists, is dug by the search and wait for the “original”. And not just artists, I have seen other people wait, struggle, suffer, delay, procrastinate their thoughts and ideas, often in the hopes of the “original”.
So many unwritten books, unfinished canvass, unsung songs, undone acts – just because they were “not original”. The desperation, the despair, the shame, the blood and toil, the waste of so many other beautiful ideas.
Staying with this sadness and anger, shed light on some thing else.
What does it even mean? to be original. And is there even such a thing?
I think we get confused between First and Original. And use them interchangeably.
First is a sequence, Original relates to the origin. First is about the chronology of the thought, the it, whereas Original is about the person. There is, a not so camouflaged ego, in the notion, somewhere. First is a classic Newtonian world view, where as original is a quantum conundrum.
Whatever we think and say has already been thought and said ..somewhere. The laws of physics say that. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only converts from one form to another. So lets just get over it.
When I write a poem, or paint, can I say it is original? meaning its “origin” is me? (I don’t even want to go down the rabbit hole of who is this Me). Did I create the words, the grammar, the definition, the sounds the thoughts – no. As an Artist I can say truthfully that the answer is a No.
My thoughts and ideas and inspiration and words come from my memories, my environment, nature, the many books and therefore their authors, the snippets of conversation with so many people that somehow remained stuck in my mind, like a piece of candy in the mouth, long after it is over, the movies I saw, I can go on and on. So, where did the poem originate?? Can it’s origin be pinned? – No. It is just the visible manifestation of so many invisibles. that I don’t even know of.
“Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.The most original writers borrowed one from another. The instruction we find in books is like fire. We fetch it from our neighbours, kindle it at home, communicate it to others, and it becomes the property of all” – Voltaire
Originality is at best a byproduct, an emergence. But the way we think about it also keeps one away from abundance of inspiration. Yes, someone weaves together the different parts, visible and invisible in a certain way. And that is perhaps his/her unique GIFT the composition.
First may or may not be original. And Original may or may not be first.
And I am sure the twain do meet sometimes, somewhere.
This insistence for Original while keeping us away from the flow, also keep us trapped in the self importance, the drama of significance. And lose the humility and ironically lose touch with the creative spirit. I love the notion the Japanese have, 80% in action is better than 100% in the head.The advice of be yourself (implied original ) means just that, be yourself. We interpret it as don’t be like anybody else. This insidious perpetuation of separation. Phew !!
I wonder..
If we keep this, ego trip and therefore insistence on something being good only if it’s “original” out, would we have more creative ideas implemented, quicker decision, more workability. Would we collaborate more and compete less? Would we be freer more spontaneous, lighter, more daring, more readily sharing?
So many times I have witnessed, someone appreciate a piece of creativity and then almost instantly say, “Oh I am not creative or that creative” in a sad, regretful tone. There is a sadness which smells of the memory this person recalls of being creative and then that being thwarted or ridiculed. And then the associated, comparison with someone.
We plant seeds of competition and then expect to reap collaboration.
Perhaps the creativity-phobia is a shadow of this pressure of original, the silent or not so silent disapproval from parent, teacher, boss, the non celebration of the effort, the social shaming may have kept so many artists from bringing their creativity out and make the world better and beautiful. I feel our soul works through the joys and sorrows, and all other emotions though creativity. And to not allow that is to not allow the person to feel, to be, to grow. At times I feel this war that goes on inside of us, is how we contribute to the wars outside. If the bow and arrow was replaced by the flute, maybe we could have peace?
Could this collective unconscious suppression of creativity then be the Original Sin. And can we begin to take some maybe not so original, but creative first steps toward beauty and peace?
Be creative, be inspired you don’t have to be original. There I said it.