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Sacred and Profane

Sitting at the Kuwait airport and watching people., I am feeling lazy and content. A saw a family with 3 kids, who were boisterous even


Ode to Light and Psychodrama

In realms of quantum physics Rapturous and deep, A tale of waves, Into their journey… a delicate peep. Refraction- the Dance, of light’s sojourn song,

Encounters Thoughts

Enlightenment – demystified.

In the conclusion of a  two days’ workshop on Negotiation, for a team whose job is collecting money from non performing assets, and people who have


Day 38 – Phototaxis

Anita my maid, made a comment that one of the plants is “Falling off”. She laughed. She was right. The same plant in two different


Day 4 – Quickening Shadows

I have been fascinated by shadows ever since I was little. And used my hands to make shadow figures on the wall. It won’t be


Day 2 – Dust

As a child I have been fascinated by dust. In my grandmas house where I grew up I have spend many afternoons watching the single


Day 1-Dark Matter

Today I start my 100 days of blogging EVERYDAY experiment  Each day some exploration The Theme is Light – Shadows – Surrender I don’t really