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All too often, it is audacity and not talent that moves an artist to center stage.”
― Julia Cameron

Every single time, since I came across this book in my 20’s I have taken the Journey of 12 week..something Phenomenal has Shifted in My life. Towards the end of 2023, I started again (my 7th time), and a few friend came along, and suggested we do this together. We have been doing this on Sundays 8-9 am. for the last 9 months.

We have now decided to do a Re-Boot and start the Journey at the same starting point, all over again. I am curious how this will unfold 🙂

Doing this is “WORK” and discipline and a deep desire to recover the spiritual electricity that runs through us. We don’t have to understand electricity , to reap and basks in its gifts.

I am committing to adding the Weeks, “Harvest” Here. Every week. In a way..making our journey (without the names of course) available to anyone who is curious.

Artists way is a spiritual Path practiced through Creativity

Julia cameron

Sharing my synopsis

The 12 Weeks Themes @ a Glance

(Because someone asked and hopefully you feel excited to free your creativity

Week 1: Recovering a Sense of Safety

  1. Acknowledging Creative Fears: Recognizing the fears that inhibit creativity is the first step towards overcoming them. Identifying these fears can help individuals understand what holds them back.
  2. Critics and Champions: Understanding the impact of negative voices (internal and external) and cultivating supportive, positive influences is crucial for a safe creative environment.
  3. The Concept of the Shadow Artist: Many people stifle their creativity due to societal pressures or fear of failure, becoming “shadow artists” who are drawn to creativity but do not practice it themselves.
  4. Affirmations: Using positive affirmations can help combat negative self-talk and build a sense of safety and confidence.
  5. Creating Boundaries: Setting boundaries with others and oneself helps protect creative time and space, fostering a safe environment for expression.

Week 2: Recovering a Sense of Identity

  1. Rediscovering Childhood Dreams: Reflecting on childhood interests and dreams can reconnect individuals with their core creative identity.
  2. Facing Negative Beliefs: Identifying and challenging negative beliefs about creativity and one’s potential can free individuals to explore their artistic identity.
  3. The Censor: Recognizing the internal critic, or “Censor,” that doubts and undermines creative efforts is essential for reclaiming artistic identity.
  4. Cameron’s “Morning Pages”: This daily practice of free-writing helps clear the mind, process emotions, and tap into deeper creative thoughts.
  5. Taking Creative Risks: Embracing small, manageable risks in creative endeavors can help build confidence and a stronger sense of identity as an artist.

Week 3: Recovering a Sense of Power

  1. Channeling Anger: Viewing anger as a signpost for unmet needs or desires can help channel it into creative energy rather than letting it fester.
  2. Synchronicity: Noticing and acting on synchronicities—coincidences that seem meaningful—can affirm one’s creative path and provide inspiration.
  3. Dealing with Criticism: Learning to handle criticism constructively without internalizing negativity is crucial for maintaining creative power.
  4. Shifts in Perception: Shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of possibility and abundance can empower creative expression.
  5. Empowerment Through Action: Taking deliberate actions, however small, can reclaim power from fear and procrastination.

Week 4: Recovering a Sense of Integrity

  1. Honoring True Desires: Identifying and honoring one’s true creative desires rather than conforming to others’ expectations fosters integrity.
  2. Creative U-Turns: Recognizing moments when one has abandoned creative pursuits and understanding the reasons behind them can prevent future setbacks.
  3. The Virtue Trap: Understanding the trap of being overly virtuous or self-sacrificing, which can stifle creativity, helps in reclaiming personal integrity.
  4. Assessing Life Balance: Reflecting on how time and energy are allocated can reveal areas where creativity is being neglected.
  5. Saying No: Learning to say no to demands that drain energy or time is vital for maintaining creative integrity.

Week 5: Recovering a Sense of Possibility

  1. Expansion of Creativity: Embracing the idea that creativity is boundless and that there is no wrong way to be creative.
  2. Envisioning Creative Success: Visualizing success and positive outcomes can help manifest those results in reality.
  3. Overcoming Skepticism: Recognizing and challenging skepticism about one’s creative potential opens up new possibilities.
  4. Exploring Different Mediums: Experimenting with various forms of artistic expression can lead to unexpected discoveries and growth.
  5. Using Creative Tools: Employing tools like “Mind Mapping” or “Brainstorming” can expand creative thinking and problem-solving.

Week 6: Recovering a Sense of Abundance

  1. Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset: Shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance encourages sharing, risk-taking, and generosity in creative work.
  2. Clearing Out the Clutter: Physically decluttering space and mentally clearing out negative thoughts can make room for creativity.
  3. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude for existing creative opportunities and achievements fosters a sense of abundance.
  4. Financial Clarity: Gaining a clear understanding of financial resources and managing them can reduce stress and enable more creative freedom.
  5. Nurturing Creative Ventures: Investing time, resources, and energy into creative projects is essential for growth and abundance.

Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

  1. Rediscovering Play: Embracing playfulness can unlock creativity and reduce the pressure of producing “serious” work.
  2. Connecting with Nature: Spending time in nature can inspire creativity and provide a sense of calm and perspective.
  3. Building a Creative Community: Engaging with other creative individuals can provide support, inspiration, and constructive feedback.
  4. Listening to Intuition: Trusting one’s intuition and inner voice can guide creative decisions and paths.
  5. Spirituality and Creativity: Exploring the connection between spirituality and creativity can deepen the creative process and provide a sense of purpose.

Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength

  1. Confronting Fears: Facing and acknowledging fears related to success, failure, or judgment can strengthen resolve and creative courage.
  2. Setting Goals: Establishing clear, achievable goals can provide direction and motivation for creative projects.
  3. Accepting Cycles of Creativity: Understanding that creativity has natural cycles of activity and rest can reduce frustration and burnout.
  4. Practicing Patience: Recognizing that creative growth takes time and being patient with the process can foster resilience.
  5. Celebrating Small Wins: Acknowledging and celebrating small successes can build confidence and encourage continued effort.

Week 9: Recovering a Sense of Compassion

  1. Self-Compassion: Practicing self-compassion and forgiveness for past mistakes or perceived failures fosters a healthier creative process.
  2. Dealing with Perfectionism: Letting go of perfectionism allows for experimentation, learning, and growth.
  3. Compassion for Others: Extending compassion to others, understanding their creative struggles, can foster a supportive environment.
  4. Revisiting Past Projects: Reviewing past creative projects with a compassionate lens can offer valuable insights and lessons.
  5. Balancing Criticism and Praise: Understanding the impact of criticism and praise, both self-directed and from others, helps maintain a balanced perspective.

Week 10: Recovering a Sense of Self-Protection

  1. Setting Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining boundaries is crucial for protecting creative energy and focus.
  2. Managing Time: Prioritizing creative work and managing time effectively helps safeguard against distractions and burnout.
  3. Avoiding Toxic Influences: Recognizing and distancing oneself from toxic relationships or environments that drain creative energy is essential.
  4. Protecting Creative Privacy: Keeping certain creative projects private until they are ready to be shared can protect them from premature criticism or influence.
  5. Self-Care: Prioritizing physical and mental well-being supports sustained creative output and resilience.

Week 11: Recovering a Sense of Autonomy

  1. Independence in Creativity: Embracing one’s unique creative voice and style fosters autonomy and confidence.
  2. Trusting the Process: Learning to trust the creative process, even when outcomes are uncertain, reinforces independence.
  3. Self-Reliance: Building skills and resources that support creative work enhances self-reliance and reduces dependency on external validation.
  4. Overcoming External Pressure: Resisting the pressure to conform to others’ expectations or commercial demands preserves artistic integrity.
  5. Embracing Authenticity: Being true to oneself and one’s creative vision, regardless of external opinions, strengthens autonomy.

Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith

  1. Trusting in Creativity: Developing faith in the creative process and one’s ability to overcome obstacles fosters confidence and resilience.
  2. Letting Go of Control: Embracing the uncertainty of the creative journey and letting go of the need to control every outcome can lead to unexpected discoveries.
  3. Celebrating Creative Progress: Reflecting on the journey and celebrating growth, regardless of the end result, reinforces a positive creative mindset.
  4. Connecting with a Higher Purpose: Exploring the connection between creativity and a higher purpose or calling can provide deeper meaning and motivation.
  5. Maintaining a Creative Practice: Committing to an ongoing creative practice, beyond the course, ensures continued growth and development.


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