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“Creativity – like human life itself – begins in darkness.  Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise…As creative channels, we need to trust the darkness. ”
― Julia Cameron

In Week 7, we are working on connecting deeper with our inner artist and training our ear to listen closely to the voice of our artist child. While in some ways we have grown up, in many way we still operate out of the ‘child’ especially the artist in waiting for permission to sing, to draw, to speak to express.. afraid of being admonished perhaps. And its time to take the risk anyway. We had the overflowing effervesce this week.. the kind of joy that comes from just jumping right into the middle of the moment like a child, with both feet.. and  cannot e be contained anymore, imperfections be excused.  We has alone no longer alone. As we decided to , as Julia says “ Take a risk a day”. And dip into the well. We also has ancestors showing, well they always do, when we show up ..but today it was more pronounced.  We shoed up even when there was nothing to say, when there was pulled muscle pain, we showed up and that it self was worth celebrating..the connection with each others  journeys, the revelations, the pain, the silly jokes.. all in all it was a Good Onam.

Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Possibility moving with expanded Listening, Taking Creative Risks, and redefining Jealousy Maps)

This week was about Recovering a Sense of Possibility, you explore how expanding your mindset allows for greater creativity, where we need not wait for things to go up, but really bring them down. Use your hands. This week focuses on embracing imperfections, taking creative risks, and listening to your inner voice as keys to unlocking new opportunities

Listening to Your Inner Voice:

This week emphasizes the importance of listening to your intuition and inner guidance. Creative breakthroughs often come from paying close attention to your internal cues, rather than solely relying on external validation or approval. This voice is soft, sometimes, and sometimes a thumping bang. Or in some case t sound like someone you know, or someone who keeps shouting up saying the same damn thing over and over again. Through the morning pages and tasks and dates you start to fine tune this listening” to develop a stronger connection to your inner voice, helping guide you toward new possibilities.

“But do you know how old I will be by the time I learn to really play the piano / act / paint / write a decent play?”
Yes . . . the same age you will be if you don’t.”
― Julia Cameron

Taking Creative Risks:

A crucial aspect of expanding your sense of possibility is learning to take creative risks. Often, fear of failure or judgment keeps us in a state of creative paralysis. This week encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it’s starting a new project or experimenting with an unfamiliar medium, taking creative risks is essential for growth.

QUESTION: What would I do if I didn’t have to do it perfectly?
ANSWER: A great deal more than I am.

We’ve all heard that the unexamined life is not worth living, but consider too that the un-lived life is not worth examining. The success of a creative recovery hinges on our ability to move out of the head and into action. This bring us squarely to risk. Most of us are practiced at talking ourselves out of risk. We are skilled speculators, be on the balcony not so much in teh dance.. guarding against the probable pain of self-exposure.

“Leap, and the net will appear.”, she says. Its true. The net these days is filled with ways, tools, inspiration to take the first step.

Jealousy as a Map:

Julia introduces the concept of Jealousy Maps this week. Jealousy is seen not as a negative emotion to suppress but as a tool to identify unfulfilled desires. By mapping your jealousies, you can gain insight into the creative paths or experiences you secretly want to pursue. Jealousy is a map. (ofcourse not all of us can read or follow a map so we wander). Each of our jealousy maps differs. Each of us will probably be surprised by some of the things we discover on our own.

Jealousy is always a mask for fear: fear that we aren’t able to get what we want; frustration that somebody else seems to be getting what it. often we are too frightened to reach for it. At its root, jealousy is a scarcity emotion. It doesn’t allow for the abundance and multiplicity of the universe. Jealousy tells us there is room for only one — one poet, one painter, one whatever you dream of being. but we KNOW – There is plenty of room in the universe for ALL of us.

This process transforms jealousy into a motivator for action, helping you recognize areas where you can take creative risks or expand your possibilities.

The Jealousy Map, An Exercise

Your jealousy map will have three columns. In the first column, name those whom you are jealous of. Next to each name write why. Be as specific and accurate as you can. In the third column, list one action you can take to move toward creative risk and out of jealousy.

When jealousy bites, like a snakebite it requires an immediate antidote. Try this out .

My friend who sings medleyHe is so gracefully transitions from one song to another. I get into InertiaPractice with 3 songs

I just went on stage and enjoyed myself
Synchronicity – Music-Corporate-Spirituality are coming together on their own.
I realise I always have a script – I want to live an unscripted life
Loved doing this week’s tasks and reading
I like being alone, it makes me not have to take responsibility of others all the time
I have stifled my sons creativity, while my daughter is full on in her creative expression
Loves that this chapter made jealousy so simple and actionable
Love making my collage with “special sticker” I decided to use them for ME
Morning pages and the reading of last few weeks has been a struggle
Growing up in south India, the focus was always on studies not creativity
Things are moving for sure
I tell myself enjoy the process
I lost weight feeling really good
There is a proactive reaching out for possibilities in different geographies
I just “accidentally” got myself 3 days of blank time
Transgenerational healing and feeling of presence of ancestors
I am just going to get myself some paint can canvas
I feel privileged to be an entrepreneur, it feels same as being an artist
I feel blessed at having the friends I have and their support at all times
Not moved beyond abundance, want to stay here longer
I feel I am not alone, I am surrounded by “them”
Experiencing abundance of emotions


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