Where the mind is without Boundaries and the head submits to the deep heart
Where knowledge is not anthropocentric, And wisdom is seeing
beyond the frail edges of the body
Where the world has not been broken into
Us and them
Where the story does not begin with, when I was born.
Where the story of evolution, does not end with the arrival of humans.
Where, ‘rights’ don’t just apply to people and things only
Where “nature” is not just a resource
Where mosquitoes are not just a nuisance
Where pigeons and not an encumbrance
Where trees are not cut for making more room
Where the word chauvinism does not just refer to men and women
But encompasses a wider range of beings.
And still elicits the same emotions.
Where who I am, is a constantly evolving question
Where Identity quakes, don’t cause earth quakes
Where words are born out of the collective silence,
Where kindness is not just a virtue, but an imperative
Where our perception is not limited to, What we can see, touch or hear
Where faith is not just something that is restricted to religion or childhood
Where we can see beyond the concrete and plaster of our walls, And taste the air with our eyes.
Where we pause before killing an insect, Or running a chain saw through a tree trunk.
Because we afraid, or inconvenienced.
And know
It still amounts to murder
Where waking up is not a separation from the world of our dreams,
But an integration of that seamless world, Where “logic” didn’t create seperation.
Where my identity is not limited, just to, My name, my religion, my family name, my gender,
My colour, my nationality, my social status, my specie
Into that … Ever widening and deepening, definition of Identity
May we awaken,
May the fog of amnesia lift
May we not go numb with self-inflicted anaesthesia
May we feel the grief and the joy
Of everything.