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Expect your every need to be met.

Week 5 and we are beginning to see more miracle. Things are changing and the change in noticeable. God and his/her presence is getting mentioned without a rider. More spontaneity is showing up, and on the spur poetry as well. Surrender is begging to feel real, when as the need for it becomes apparent  – the difficult is still palpable. Recovery is getting back in to the flowing river, that we had blocked. For some of us surprisingly travel seems to to be showing up. And not to mention the overwhelming gratitude for being in the universe gift scheme” and people showing up to support. As we recover the sense of Possibility – interconnectedness become real. Miracles more frequent and grace more palpable.

Week 5 of The Artist’s Way, titled “Recovering a Sense of Possibility,” encourages us to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace the vast potential within your creative journey. This week emphasizes the deep connection between creativity, the Universe, and God as the unlimited source. By aligning with a higher power—whether you see it as God, the Universe, or your own spiritual source—you open yourself to limitless possibilities and divine inspiration, we dip into the Flowing River.  =This week also highlight how we get caught time and again into the “Virtue Trap” – and that “Solitude and replenishing time is necessary. Increasing dependency on the Universe reduces dependency on others and increases the intimacy, since we are no longer in the fear of abandonment.


One of the main obstacles to embracing the incredible generosity of life is our own limited belief in what we can achieve. We might tap into the creative energy within us and receive an inspiring idea, only to dismiss it as unrealistic or absurd. On one hand, we fear appearing foolish or arrogant for chasing a seemingly grandiose dream. On the other hand, we often fail to take ourselves and our lives seriously enough, quickly labeling as “grandiose” ideas and goals that are actually well within our reach.

When we remember that this creative, magical force is our source, we realize we are spiritually in a position of unlimited abundance. However, many of us underestimate the power of the creator and unconsciously place limits on how much support God or the Universe will provide. We tend to be stingy with ourselves, and when we receive a gift beyond our wildest dreams, we often hesitate or even reject it.

Scarcity thinking:
We are sometimes miserly with ourselves because we don’t want our luck to run out, What if constantly plagues us. We think there are only so many opportunities in life, only so many books, so many people to love, so many parking spots and we don’t want to blow it by accepting the wrong ones. “I can’t go to Hawaii — what if I go to the wrong island, pick the wrong motel, and miss the real experience I should have had?” We need to orient our selves to the thought that we’re tapping into an energy source that LIKES to extend itself.

Finding the River:

Over the past four weeks, we’ve been uncovering the depths of our consciousness, recognizing our negative thought patterns and the fear of believing that we might truly find our right place by listening to our creative voice. We’ve started to hope, though we also fear that hope.

Virtue Trap

We strive to be good, to be nice, to be helpful, to be unselfish. We want to be generous, of service, of the world. But what we really want is to be left alone. When we can’t get others to leave us alone, we eventually abandon ourselves. To others, we may look like we’re there. We may act like we’re there. But our true self has gone to the ground.

The Virtue Trap Quiz (fill in the blank)

  1. The biggest lack in my life is ______________________.
  2. The greatest joy in my life is ______________________.
  3. My largest time commitment is ___________________.
  4. As I play more, I work ___________________________.
  5. I feel guilty that I am ____________________________.
  6. I worry that ____________________________________.
  7. If my dreams come true, my family will _____________.
  8. I sabotage myself so people will __________________.
  9. If I let myself feel is, I’m angry that I ________________.
  10. One reason I get sad sometimes is ________________.

“If you sit by the river for long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by” –

Now, we’re more able to speak our truths, and while we’re not completely free of old habits, we’ve glimpsed new possibilities. By trusting the inner voice, the creator within, we free ourselves from external dependencies and, paradoxically, open ourselves to deeper intimacy with others. Free from the fear of abandonment, we can live more authentically, loving others without needing constant approval and acceptance.

Some Shares

Little miracles continue
Connection with God is new
I need to re-establish faith
Travel spreading this awareness of god
I want to surrender to the deep end
Let the flow happen
My 20 and 65 year old advice to learn inverting money
There is a definite sense of movement
I am learning to choose the path of least resistance
Need to self – Fund – Invest in self
I feel grace’s presence
Saw a dream of an old woman giving me a big heart shaped locket with giant ruby
I need to practice being receptive
I got my mojo back
Felt fulfilled at the end of a workshop – after a long time
Started learning to play the Flute
Newfound energy in kochi
Self love account is big
Ate at Michelin start restaurant  – for the first time


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