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Men in Grey

Concluded a workshop on Attunement, with the leadership team of a Client The team consists of 18 men and 1 woman. And leadership transitions, one


Being Alone

About to start a three day Leadership offsite, with a  group I have worked for a few years. Last ,almost 7 year ago. And yet


100 Days

How was it, These 100 days of writing everyday It must have been difficult It must be such an effort I want to say it


Day 92- Hero Worship

Yesterday, I messaged a client who we had done the workshop for, how was their last day. He messaged it was going great the entire


Day 91 – Doors

I woke up today, with a dream. As a habit I stay a few seconds longer so that the dream becomes more than a whiff.


Day 86 – Freedom Square

Yesterday, after a very long time I used the concept of ‘Freedom Square’. And even though I anticipated the outcomes, It still took me by


Day 84 – The Healing Power of Shame

Some words one can only learn in certain circumstances and times. Even if you have known that word before. Like when I was in Nairobi


Day 83 – Inside a NO

“We got pushed to give a date by which we have to design a solution for a problem we don’t know, and then reverse engineer


Day 49 – The Law of Two Feet

I went for a meeting yesterday. After a long while an ‘in-person’ meeting. The client was an old one, although it had been a while


Day 47 – Significance

Many years ago, I had gone on a school friends reunion to lavassa. It was monsoon season and it was drizzling. We decided to go