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Answered prayers are scary. They imply responsibility. You asked for it. Now that you’ve got it, what are you going to do?’

This week we may be ‘dealing with unaccustomed bursts of energy and sharp peaks of anger, joy and grief’. This is all part of the process as we question our previously accepted limits and start to crack open the shell that’s keeping us creatively cramped. Growth is erratic, Julia reminded that it’s normal for it to look chaotic and feel uncomfortable, and to start experimenting with Solitude.

We have started to “be ready” to start the call a few minutes before. This is a change. There is a pull that is unmistakable. The Circle beckons. We entered Week 3 harvest with a mix bag of emotions. One cannot talk about Power without touching powerlessness. The strong emotions with respect to what is happening in some parts of the country around sexual violence against women, found its way into our circle. And then, not just women. We explored the feeling of helplessness in the face of anger, angry parent, partners and passive anger directed at self. The need for safety to express the anger, even from self. As the “judgy self” pop us. 

We delved into SHAME – and how often the coping mechanism is either  heroism, self denial or pedestalization. How it puts us in a place of denying ones own needs, in the fear of being shamed by people. How self expression get curbed or kept a ‘secret’. And how some rotten habits, like binge TV, leaving thing unfinished, keeping spaces cleaner got aired. How the experience of shame is often as result fo ‘shaming in childhood, and how in some case that was not so, when self praise took place.

Making a piece of art may feel a lot like telling a family secret,’ writes Cameron. ‘Secret telling, by its very nature, involves shame and fear. It asks the question: “What will they think of me once they know this?”

We celebrated the increasing incidents of synchronicity and ‘miracles’, and wondered, if the number of miracles have indeed increased or have we started to notice them more.( I personally feel the later is more close to the truth). The gratitude for “childhood spaces that felt BIG, the fireflies, the east sunrise, the styaing out all day to play, the playfulness, the “I am Enough”.  The taking of definite small steps in the direction of self expression (even while feeling the anxiety of it). Taking steps to acknowledge the Needs of self with giving into the feeling of guilt or the urge for reciprocity. The playful noticing and mentioning of self judgement, and moving on, as we realised the task of who do we have secret admiration for.

Did I mention “Morning Pages at getting a hit rate of 90% . Willingly.

“The Universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf”

Week 3: Recovering a Sense of Power

Week 3 of The Artist’s Way, titled “Recovering a Sense of Power,” focuses on reclaiming and harnessing personal power as a driving force for creativity. This week is about recognizing the internal and external factors that stifle creativity and learning how to convert them into sources of strength.

Key Themes:

Anger as a Creative Signal:

Anger is reframed as a vital tool in the creative process. Rather than being a negative emotion to avoid, anger is seen as a signal that something in our lives is out of balance. By understanding and addressing the root causes of anger, artists can use it as fuel for creative expression.

Anger has many forms. But by any other name it is still anger. Anger teaches us to know what is Important.  Anger is a MAP, it show us the Boundaries. Meant to be acted upon not just acted out. It is not an easy friend but certainly a loyal one. When this happens we are Reborn. And Rebirth is messy and it hurts.

Synchronicity and Trust:

The concept of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, is introduced as a way of recognizing and trusting the flow of creative energy. When artists commit to their creative path, they often notice that opportunities, ideas, and resources begin to appear in unexpected ways. This week encourages trusting this process and staying open to these moments of synchronicity.

Answered prayers can be scary . God is super  efficient. We live in a responsive and intelligent universe. Creativity is a ‘tribal’ experience

Shame and Its Impact:

Week 3 delves into the damaging effects of shame on creativity. Shame often manifests as self-doubt and fear, preventing artists from fully expressing themselves. Through exercises and reflection, the aim is to confront and heal from past experiences of shame, allowing for a freer and more authentic creative expression.

What will four people say (when they find out). The art of making art exposes society and ourselves to us. The Antidote to SHAME is SELF Love and Self praise.

Dealing with Criticism.

Make it our friend. What does not kill me make me stronger. See the “learning” in it as leave the husk behind.

Some Shares from Group members:

I have to put effort into acknowledging ‘synchronicity and now rite it off as a coincidence
Paper got selected for being published, felt the voice of shame ‘How dare you”
“Abhi toh Jee lo” – will finish later
I like being a Maverick
I am happy at being 95% regular with Morning pages
Are women OK. – Are men Ok
Felt Powerless entering the chapter in the wake of what’s happening
Friendships are beautiful – revising them
Most of my book are neat and tidy. This one (Artists way Is more decorated)
Dream of Parents enter new house.
Shame around being objectified by men and Women
I am going to write on social media bot mental heath. And not give in to what will they say
What type of a man am I to admire Marilyn Monroe ( Shared it yet couldn’t still write)
I like being valued
I am ENOUGH . I knew this as a Child
My space can be Cleaner.
Feeling playful.


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