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Poems Uncategorized

War Story

Who started it. May be a wrong question. It’s easy, short sighted and shorted lived – a response. It ends in crucification of a single.


Crow Connections

Yesterday a Crow send me a piece of earth. Literally.  In the form of a broken tile all the way from the Sabarmati Gandhi ashram.


Rocking Chair

Last 2 decades I have been in the “business of” Leadership, people, organisation transformation. The Word transformation is alluring, sexy, deep and ..irrelevant. Let me


Men in Grey

Concluded a workshop on Attunement, with the leadership team of a Client The team consists of 18 men and 1 woman. And leadership transitions, one


Being Alone

About to start a three day Leadership offsite, with a  group I have worked for a few years. Last ,almost 7 year ago. And yet


Going Beyond Zero

On the back of a fulfilling session on Application of Design thinking and Innovation for Organisational sustainability, for IIT Delhi, with my friend Krishna, I


I am Joy

I met her often, sitting by the roadside Sometimes just walking around aimlessly. She looked quite dishevelled, Yet her air was carefree Her clothes had


The “Too Much Boy”

For a couple of years now, a friend of mine has been of and on telling me about the troubles with his then, 11 year


100 – At a Glance

A BIG thank you to Krishna for doing this…and to Kiran for Suggesting I put it here. Feel So so Grateful!!. This is such a


100 Days

How was it, These 100 days of writing everyday It must have been difficult It must be such an effort I want to say it