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Born in a Christian house, Jesus was quite a known figure. It was on the altar and pretty much everywhere.

He even came in my very vivid dreams. I remember a very personal connect with him as a child when I could not talk to anyone about my worries, fears or even hopes I would speak to him. I would even complain to him, it was often a conversation. Without too much protocol.

 And even ask him for help. I remember I would get whatever I asked him for. It became so strong, this faith, I stopped asking the people around me for anything. Because I saw they, inturn anyway asked Jesus.

So I figured why not make the process efficient and get to the source 

Last year when my son had Covid, It was during the lent period. It was a very trying time for us as a family. And one day while I was sitting and reading the bible on Bandstand, when he was in the hospital, one girl just came and sat next to me, she was selling tissue papers, but she did not try to sell them to me. Her name was Deepika.  She asked me about the bible, and why I was reading it. I told her – the truth.

Deepika and me

She spontaneously held my hand and said come let us pray to “geejus” (she pronounced Jesus in such a sweet way) . So we prayed, well she did. She prayed for Tanishq, my son. She prayed with all the purity of a childs heart, who has not an iota of doubt that the prayers will be heard.

This was day 4 of his hospitalisation, and he was yet to finish the treatment for 2 more days. But in a couple of hours when I had my routine call with his doc he said , my sons statics are suddenly better and I can take him home that very day.


I had tears of gratitude running down my face that day, when I thought of Deepika. I believe it was Jesus who came and held my hand and prayed, I ran to the hospital. The doctors was also surprised. (I quietly kept my mouth shut)

Deepika “gifted” me the entire pack of tissue papers she was selling, It must have cost 600 rs. In all. I tried to pay her, she smiled and asked, “do you know the meaning of gift didi?.

That day, I did. I really did.

I am still in awe of this child, and her pure heart and her sense of abundance to offer “Everything” she had literally. As a gift.

I met a Miracle. This day last year.

And yesterday, as we completed week 3 of the Sculpting Self a Seven week long program)..we did the letting go and grief process. And at the beginning of the session as people had to bring some offering, one of the participant, shruti brought her Rabbit. Tday is Easter.

And the Magic Continues to unfold.

Today is Easter.

On that note ..

Celebrating the resurrection of Christ and held, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.

What is Easter? One of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar, Easter is a day that celebrates the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. After his crucifixion, death, and burial, three days later, He rose from the grave. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us

It is metaphorical to the process of death and letting go. Of things that are dead, and are no longer serving. Habits thoughts, relationships, past hurts, things, images of self and others, stories…and many more.

I remember easter eggs was such a traditions. My grandma used to make them , and when my son was small, I used to buy them ( I did not inherit my grandma culinary skills). And let them hidden all over the house.

One had to first search for the (all the while knowing they are there, hidden) , and when you did find them, they had t be broken to discover the goodies.

 How poignant I reflect today to the process of life.

How would life be if we went in search of these eggs, specially decorated and kept for us. To find to break open and then to let new come to life


The Geejus Miracle

The origin of the Easter Bunny can be dated back to the 13th century in Germany.  The Germanic folk, known as the Teutons, worshiped pagan gods and goddesses. One such goddess was Eostra. She was revered as the goddess of fertility and spring. The word “Easter” finds its etymology from the goddess’s name. And the “Egg” is the promise of potential yet to come forth.

Resurrection: The act of bringing something that had disappeared or ended back into use or existence. It is a moment of remembering Faith, That even as it is hard to let go, to have the faith that somewhere , life will resurrect. As it always does.

I don’t know who found whom that day. But I found Jesus, again.



  • Sanjyot, April 17, 2022 @ 8:21 am Reply

    Beautiful. Lots of love to you.

  • Neha, April 17, 2022 @ 8:35 am Reply

    God bless you and Deepika always, faith in life is above all, when we are struggling God always holds and walks with us. We just need to trust in him and respect in which form he comes… miracles are the impossible and impossible can be done only by the supreme power. Happy Easter ❤️❤️

  • Meghana, April 17, 2022 @ 9:16 am Reply

    My logical mind and almost an aetheist mindset doesn’t allow me to to accept that it was a miracle – however, I felt so nice that there was another human being who without any relationship whatsoever shared your pain by holding your hands and wished for Tanisha’s recovery! If this isn’t kindness and compassion what is! It’s really an amazing experience – almost surreal

  • Quanita, April 17, 2022 @ 6:40 pm Reply

    Happy Easter my sister. Thank you for this sweet powerful reminder of faith and healing. ♥️

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