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The heat goes up. It has been going up

The earth, burns. Outside and inside

We call it global warming..

Laugh, as many accidentally ??

Mispronounce As global warning.

And then we go about, Life as usual.

Good. We have a word for it now. And that should solve the problem.

The aircons turn up. The sales of cold brews goes up.

Capitalism yet again, Scoops.

We are good a “solving” problem

We are just not that good at identifying the real problem

And so, we isolate – once again.

And I, I try and sleep during the day.

It feels strange..very strange

But yes… “jetlag”. I have word for it too.

But the nights. I am awake.. Wide awake.

And in the silence, I can hear the fire crackling

The dogs howl at the moon

And the cat cries…like a hurt child.

I tried to block the sounds. But it’s too quiet, not to hear.

The heat is rising..slowly. Without being watched.


I don’t need to sleep, anymore, to see the dreams

They are very visible, In the dark of the night

In the light of the full moon.

I feel something, in my bones. In the way my breath is short

Something cooking

Something moving

Something growing

Something …..coming.

We are burning up and out

But are we… Waking up? – Will we wake in time?

Or will we ask chat GPT – what to do?

It won’t give an error for sure

When we mispronounce

Global warning. For sure.

I hope we hear this

I hope we feel this

I hope we act in a radically courageous way

And come together

For this.

If not now …when?


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