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Articles By This Author


Day 21 : Courage

I have been thinking and wondering about Courage and its relationship with Truth. And how both stem from a sense of care or kindness which


Day 20 : It is Personal

Last evening we had a singing soiree , with my teacher who I am learning Sufi singing from, and a few friends, It was one


Day 19 – Alchemy of Yi

Dictionary defines it as, the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold


Day 18 – Abracadabra

I woke up to a message from my friend, Rajesh – “You are Blessed”. I felt blessed by those words. They lingered much like the


Day 17 – Zero setting

I could not find my wallet, yesterday. I generally don’t lose things, so this already was signally something to me. I must not be fully


Day 16 – To the Point of tears

Last three days have been an emotional roller coaster. Some realizations, things held unspoken, encountering some shadows, some grief that collied with celebration, or because


Day 15 – Unboxing

Today is my Sons Birthday. This day 25 yrs ago, both he and I became free. Both of us unboxed. Both of us were new


Day 14 – The Art of Hovering

I have declared, much to the annoyance of some of my friends, that in my next life, I want to be a bird. And I


Day 13 – The Theseus Paradox

I watched, The ship of Theseus, this intense amazing movie, that for some reason I had missed. And I landed on the Theseus Paradox.  (pronounced


Day 12 – Raging Granny

I came across this film on Vimeo, Granny Power. It is about the Raging grannies movement. (My friend who sent it got so excited, she