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Articles By This Author


Day 11 – Original is overrated

A friend sent me an article about an amazing idea in Naples, where the railing on a gazebo has braille description of the view for


Day 10 – Signs of times

Last evening, was quiet and silent is a very different way. As if, something, had have been averted. The sky was soft and the breeze


Day 9 – Sense-less

A few days ago, some friends came home, and one of them brought me a book (Fritjof Capra’s , Tao of physics), It is one of


Day 8 – Practices Vs Habits.

One of the first ‘self-help’ category books I read was 7 habits of highly effective people. It was very effective for many years. Then I


Day 7 – Sigh

When true connection happens- Silence speaks. And yet so often, words are all I have. And they do take my breath away. Sometimes literally. I


Day 6 – Maps are Lost.

A map is something used to navigate unknown territory. The term “map” derives from Latin “mappa,” a word meaning in antiquity, a napkin, or a cloth or


Day 5 – Pause || the container

“In the Pause between the Stimulus and Response lies the freedom of choice” –This quote by Viktor Frankyl, I have heard, believed and championed for many


Day 4 – Quickening Shadows

I have been fascinated by shadows ever since I was little. And used my hands to make shadow figures on the wall. It won’t be


Day 3 – Truth is unknowable

Truth Is unknowable, but it can be perceived by pursuing what is untrue. Last 8 months I have had the practice of “Being unoffendable”. For


Day 2 – Dust

As a child I have been fascinated by dust. In my grandmas house where I grew up I have spend many afternoons watching the single