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Travelling, in a rickshaw, on the crowded hot sticky streets of Mumbai..I find is a better bet than closed claustrophobic cabs. Plus it allows time for me to think, imagine and observe life as it is passing by…and sometimes some insights and lessons show up. Like what happened yesterday.

I was going from Malad to Juhu, for my hot yoga class. It’s about 25 minutes ride, but on a regular traffic day it takes anywhere upto 45 mins. So I had decided to do couple of lessons on duolingo, I am learning French, and optimizing travel time. It’s funny in this city, one ends up thinking of optimising..all the time. Phew!!


As I was sitting back doing my lesson on my phone..while waiting ..patiently in a traffic jam.. on a very busy road early in the morning..about 8.30 am..where the hawkers had started to put their stalls, not minding at all, that they sometimes stalled the traffic. All kinds of vehicles, aromas, and horns were flooding the anyways narrow streets.

I suddenly happened to see a man standing on the precarious road divider and looking up at the sun…his face was so still and serene..that I stopped my lesson, to look at him…curiosity getting the better of me. On either side the vehicles were crossing him at very close quarters. And yet this man just stood..

What was he doing standing.. as if on a calm beach?? with all the cacophony around him…

My rickshaw was slowly inching forward, so I could now get a closer look. This man was wearing regular “office” attire and so his calm face, facing the sun, looked out of place. His eyes were semi shut..(look down at 45 degrees angle..I remember from my meditation class)…wow!! he was sun worshipping and meditating …with his mouth slightly open .. I guessed he must also be chanting…I was, by now in awe.. at this mans ability to be so centered…

I also wanted this I thought…huumm mindfullness!!!

As my rickshaw moved closer his mouth kept moving and ever so slightly his eyes ..while his head kept looking up at the sun and body still. 


Time suddenly stood still…I felt.

Although all this was happening in a matter of minutes

Deep breath…!!!

The traffic opened suddenly and I was going to cross this man..I moved forward in my seat to get a last look at him..and feel in awe and gratitude…his eyes were semi shut so I could not say thank you to him anyway….

I felt so grateful for witnessing this living lesson in mindfulness

And then… Just as we got close and I was about to pass him by…

Something happened…that was strange and a way

He Sneezed…a few times..

And every time, inbetween his sneeze his face took on that..looking at the sun..eyes closed in anticipation and mouth agape…poised…look

Oh!!! Oh…..

It all suddenly fell into place in my head…..I felt really silly …..

 So that is what was going on..he was just waiting for the perfect ..Sneeze.

I laughed at myself..just as our mindful man..after his sneezing bout, crossed the street and went on with life.

I was struck by how much of the creative meaning making we must be doing…and so little of the actual “truth” we know..and how in a fleeting moment ..without context, things can look and mean so different from what they actually might be…

Maybe living mindfulness was …This. To see and then to see what we are seeing..and to observe the story changing..and be able to laugh at oneself…and remain open…

I made a mental note.

  • Be more mindful..before jumping to conclusion…just the 5 senses are not enough, often !!
  • Go for a morning sun gazing ..anyway, since that was what got conjured for me, it was mine.
  • The pause between or before a sneeze can be a silent pause..and next time to observe it closely on the inside.
  • Think about where else am I ‘making meaning’ which may not be true out there.

Ok. Time to go back to duolingo.


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