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Day 43 – The Monkey Trap

I had a difficult time with my beliefs yesterday. Some of them were self-contradictory. The stress of holding them was a lot. Self-contradictory beliefs went


Day 38 – Phototaxis

Anita my maid, made a comment that one of the plants is “Falling off”. She laughed. She was right. The same plant in two different


Day 36 – Mountain Echo

After many years, yesterday I went with some school friends to a hangout, albeit reluctantly. This place played really loud nonstop, Bollywood music. The place


Day 35 – Dyscalculia – It Counts

Someone I am coaching mentioned the series ‘The good doctor’. I generally don’t prefer hospital series, but I ended up watching this. Watching the doctor


Day 32 – Adapting to Belong

You look like you belong here, someone said to me, as I was sitting and reading in a café. I smiled politely and continued reading.


Day 28 – Valence Electron

This is the Story of a Valence electron. He was part of the Atom family. He was different not only from the protons and the


Day 20 : It is Personal

Last evening we had a singing soiree , with my teacher who I am learning Sufi singing from, and a few friends, It was one


Day 18 – Abracadabra

I woke up to a message from my friend, Rajesh – “You are Blessed”. I felt blessed by those words. They lingered much like the


Day 16 – To the Point of tears

Last three days have been an emotional roller coaster. Some realizations, things held unspoken, encountering some shadows, some grief that collied with celebration, or because


Day 15 – Unboxing

Today is my Sons Birthday. This day 25 yrs ago, both he and I became free. Both of us unboxed. Both of us were new