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Day 31 – Amazing Grace

Some words at the right time go a long way and so does some Grace. !! Last two days the weather has been weird. It


Day 30 – Jacobs’s Ladder

At day 28, I was thinking of 72 more to go. And as I was mulling over 72 I realized, strangely I had not thought


Day 29 – Breaking White

Sitting by the sea and watching the waves is one of the things that grounds me, calms me down. I guess it’s true for many,


Day 28 – Valence Electron

This is the Story of a Valence electron. He was part of the Atom family. He was different not only from the protons and the


Day 27 – Real is a Privilege

Yesterday, while driving a friend ended up enthusiastically showing me a YouTube channel of her colleague, who has been posting good content on how to


Day 26 – Experimental Theatre

At one time, I was convinced I wanted to join theatre, I felt I would be good at it. Then I realized I liked directing


Day 25 – Effort Vs Work

We sometimes do work, even physical work, that leaves us feeling energetic and satisfied, tired but happy. And other times, work leaves us feeling exhausted,


Day 24 : Manual Override

I bought a clip-on macro lens for my phone camera. I am thrilled about it. Except, a few days ago when I tried to click,


Day 23 – Rewilding

My sister sent a video footage of two tigers on the roads of Panchgani. Something about the way they walked, the raw power the not


Day 22 – 21 Grams

I completed 21 days. And my husband suggested I collate and look at the 21 days themes that have come up. He offered to print