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A BIG thank you to Krishna for doing this…and to Kiran for Suggesting I put it here. Feel So so Grateful!!. This is such a labour of love. with SO many involved.

I do feel Abundance is when we are excited to be part another’s Journey. If ONLY we realise and live from this place. When somebody else wins, I also win. And vice versa. We are like the Fairy Lights

And the Time to do it is NOW ‘After’ – was never ours.

Day 1Invisible dark matter
Day 2Dust
Day 3Truth is unknowable
Day 4Quickening Shadows
Day 5Pause || the container
Day 6Maps are Lost.
Day 7Sigh
Day 8Practices Vs Habits.
Day 9Sense-less
Day 10Signs of times
Day 11Original is overrated
Day 12Raging Granny
Day 13The Theseus Paradox
Day 14The Art of Hovering
Day 15Unboxing
Day 16To the Point of tears
Day 17Zero setting
Day 18Abracadabra
Day 19Alchemy of Yi
Day 20It is Personal
Day 21Courage
Day 2221 Grams
Day 23Rewilding
Day 24Manual Override
Day 25Effort Vs Work
Day 26Experimental Theatre
Day 27Real is a Privilege
Day 28Valence Electron
Day 29Breaking White
Day 30Jacobs’s Ladder
Day 31Amazing Grace
Day 32Adapting to Belong
Day 33Purposeful Meandering
Day 34Birthing Pains
Day 35Dyscalculia – It Counts
Day 36Mountain Echo
Day 37Prayer
Day 38Phototaxis
Day 39Wait State
Day 40The Unreasonable Quest
Day 41The Pilgrimage
Day 42Eyes Wide Shut.
Day 43The Monkey Trap
Day 44Here comes the Sun.
Day 45Applied Friction
Day 46Bearing Witness
Day 47Significance
Day 48Engineers day
Day 49The Law of Two Feet
Day 50Redemption
Day 51Katharsis.
Day 52Peripeteia
Day 53Red Box
Day 54Exile and Elixir
Day 55Fear Setting
Day 56The White Trail
Day 57Skin in the game
Day 58Trees – The Living Gods
Day 59Distinction – Discrimination
Day 60The End
Day 61Home is a Feeling
Day 62Chess – Beyond Black and White
Day 63Pickle Jar
Day 64Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Day 65Sacred Grief
Day 66Murmurations
Day 67Seeing
Day 68A Fistful of Soil
Day 69Nine – Journey towards Integration
Day 70Words
Day 71The Invitation
Day 72Anger – A Sacred Pathway
Day 73Being Unreasonable
Day 74Hairy Tales
Day 75Demystifying is Overrated.
Day 76Cutting the Umbilical Chord
Day 77The Curious Case of Ravana
Day 78Rhythm of Life
Day 79The Four Invisible People
Day 80The Magic of Synchronicity
Day 81War and Peace
Day 82Friendship
Day 83Inside a NO
Day 84The Healing Power of Shame
Day 85Higher Power
Day 86Freedom Square
Day 87Sunsets
Day 88Owl is well.
Day 89Understanding
Day 90Quantum Entanglement
Day 91Doors
Day 92Hero Worship
Day 93Celebrations
Day 94Uncouth
Day 95All Souls Day
Day 96Entropy
Day 97Clarity
Day 98Growing up
Day 99Laughter
Day 100Ding-The Cauldron

I had also not read many 🙂



  • Kiran R Gulrajani, November 10, 2021 @ 6:45 am Reply

    Something about
    that enables the whole to be seen .. along with the parts .. each of which are whole in themselves and yet connected making it a different whole..Full.Fill.Ment
    Thanks Rhea.. what a gift to yourself, to your friends and to the world.
    All in one place.. now it can travel .. and/or rest Here. Now.

    • Rhea, November 11, 2021 @ 10:21 pm Reply

      Thank you Kiran…

  • Monisha, November 10, 2021 @ 11:06 am Reply

    The 10th multiplied to the 100th 🙂

  • HELIO BORGES, November 10, 2021 @ 6:13 pm Reply

    I am privileged to be your friend because you are a source of inspiration. The quantity and depth of your articles defies any logic because there is a trade off between the two. In other words, your writing defies the laws of physics 😉

    • Rhea, November 11, 2021 @ 10:21 pm Reply

      Wow. Thank you Helio What a beautiful way to put it.

  • avenue17, November 12, 2024 @ 4:02 am Reply

    It is remarkable, this valuable opinion

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